Hi All,
As always, Welcome to JB’s Website hosted on basswake.net.
Here is the latest:
JB is now is now relocated in Ventura County and is currently getting adjusted to the new life here. In the course of getting familiar with the area and looking for new employment opportunites, I have found quite a few interesting items worthy of mentioning, One great of the bonuses was finding the Rants & Raves Section on Craigslist is completely & outraagosly hilarious!!! I have taken quite a few random photos of varios things that I have observed that I had some humorous thought about. These will be available in JB’s Discussion/Blog Area. I have also recently connected with the VCLUG, SCLUG, and SFVLUG (Ventura County, Simi Conejo, & San Fernando Valley Linux User Groups) I am looking forward to the commraradry experience as well as learning new things as well as offering any linux knowledge I can share. If you are someone who is new or and expert user or have a curiosity for linux, check it out! There will be a Technical Section on this site and the Discussion/Blog area with detailed information.
The JibJab Clips and images that were below have also been moved to the Discussion/Blog Area which has been put together with WordPress.
I am currently one of the folks in this new Great Deppression time who is desparately seeking employment. My resume is located in the Links section along with a highlight match up of my skill set with a position that was opened and then put on hold. If you have anyone that could use my talents, please send them my way.
The next set of updates will be focused on additional tools for the site & getting the discussion/blog area content and navigation a bit more organized. Also, work will continue on the items listed below.
If you have any questions/comments/ideas or other input e-mail me and let me know.
Thanks & Enjoy,
Other Info
Here are the list of next items that will be worked on for the next update:
- Organize Discusion/Blog Area content & catagories
- Add content in Discussion/Blog About section
- Create random fourtune generator (Done in discussion/blog area)
- Find/Create mp3 database, search & build page tool
- Find streaming audio player for music files (Done in Discussion/Blog Area)
- Scan in and update Photo’s with past pics film archive
- Update Karaoke Section and Tools